Being Indian is not a privilege in the U.S.

Baba Vickram A. Bedi
5 min readFeb 16, 2023
I took this photo in India, and want to go back to this spot. In Hindi I have written “Eastern India, at sunset”

I wake up most days since I returned from India, with extreme anxiousness and desire to leave the U.S. I was utterly content in India. There was not a moment I ever wanted to leave. I internally fight with myself on why exactly I returned. Every morning I have the same thoughts as I get ready, and I then justify my return to help my 84 year old mother, who is facing racism and possible ruin once more and I along…



Baba Vickram A. Bedi

A direct descendant of Baba Guru Nanak Dev Ji looking for the benefit which can be found from them.