Xi Jinping tells us more about China than is obvious.

Baba Vickram A. Bedi
7 min readDec 5, 2021

Xi Jinping as a child with his father and younger brother.

A person who was in all reality destroyed by a system, and ultimately becomes the leading person of that system is hard to comprehend but understanding this key to understanding China at this moment. Xi Jinping by all logical deduction should never have risen to the top of the Chinese Communist Party. Xi Jinping’s father Xi Zhongxun was key revolutionary and contributor in the establishment of the Communist Revolution. The privileged status that Xi Jinping had known was stripped away by Mao’s Cultural Revolution. Those who had no power in the Socialist System were encouraged to criticise and demonize high ranking officials. Xi Jinping’s father was targeted, defamed and the privileged existence the family had vanished when Xi Jinping was 15 years old. Zhongxun, would be demoted from a key role in dictating China’s educational and propaganda message. While his father was imprisoned on and off until 1975, Xi Jinping worked in the countryside doing manual labor as a teenager. He would repeatedly apply to become a Communist Party Member, but he was refused repeatedly. Xi Jinping was the son of a leader who according to Communist Tribunals had supported the rehabilitation of a traitor of the revolution via an autobiography. The reality was that Zhongxun had simply supported the truth as he saw it, and…



Baba Vickram A. Bedi

A direct descendant of Baba Guru Nanak Dev Ji looking for the benefit which can be found from them. https://www.crunchbase.com/person/vickram-bedi